"You'll never see a finer ship...
...or receive a better tip in your life" - Take You On a Cruise by Interpol.
'Tis the afternoon and I'm bored at work. Hence the posting. Seems like Mr. Bush has got himself into a bit of a corner with the revelation that he authorized the NSA to eavesdrop on Americans. Boy, would I love to have that kind of readership on my blog. Please NSA, read my rants. Then hire me. I'm good a being sneaky and I can sell ice to an eskimo. I already have a clearance. That's enough, right?
Bush sure has got himself into a pickle. Perhaps the Intelligence Community is enacting a bit of retribution for being used as a scapegoat in the Iraq debacle. Leak the story to the press, and Bush's approval rating drops even more. Leak another damaging story or two and murmurs of impeachment start to make their way up from the back of the room. Wonder what we'll see next? Maybe the NRO gets pictures of Karl Rove doin' gnarly things in Thailand. "Honest, she looked 18." No more Top Secret clearance for you Mr. Rove. Bye bye Mr. Bush. Intelligence Community - 2, Bush Administration - Impeached. If it happens, they only brought it on themselves. Time for people to sack up and take some responsibility for their actions. One bit of advice: Don't f**k with the Intelligence Community. They have the ability to make your life a veritable s**tstorm.
In other news, another fat-cat exec falls from grace. Ex-Qwest CEO Joseph P. Nacchio, too similar to Ralph Machio, has crane-kicked his way into a federal courtroom with 42 counts stemming from insider trading. Supposedly, he collected a cool $100 million+. Good for him. I love to see starving CEOs scraping by just to make ends meet. Why settle for the Gulfstream when you can buy that 747? Too bad he had to support himself and his family illegally. Looks like all he'll be supporting now is Bubba's male love addiction. Good for Bubba. He'll love Mr. Nacchio long time. Each count carries a maximum sentence of 10 years. I say, if your going to ream investors in the arse by profiting from their loss, you deserve the same.
Enough news. Here's the lyrics that keep runnin' in my head:
"Time is like a broken watch/I make money like Fred Astaire/I see you've come to resist me/I'm a pit bull in time/You're pretense is not what restricts me/It's the circles inside/The anatomy of kisses and the teacher who tries/Who knows how we'll disappear?/Would you like to be my missus in a future with child?/You know you can't get back from here/But we can get away." - Take You on a Cruise by Interpol.
Huh?...Do these make sense? Of course they do. I never thought about what they meant. I think I've just listened to that damn Antics album too many times. I wrote those from memory. Scary, huh?
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