So, people actually read this thing?
That's a big surprise. Got a couple comments on earlier posts that I just saw today. I din't think anyone but me read this. Thanks LeechDog, you wine-making bastard! You should call him up and find out.
Got some major shenanigans to report today. Seems that The Smoking Gun broke a story about author James Frey's supposedly truthful memoirs about his violent and substance addicted past. The Smoking Gun followed the author's criminal paper trail and were unable to corroborate the man's story. Memoirs are supposed to be truth not fiction, right? Read the full story at It was recently selected as part of Oprah's book club. Oprah's stamp of approval does not necessarily identify a well-written piece, merely a piece that Oprah likes. And we all know that whatever Oprah likes, millions of mostly female readers will like as well; guaranteeing commercial and financial success for whichever authors happen to be on the list at the moment. This is despite the fact that the book is atrocious. The few excerpts available on the smoking gun were awful. It made me want to buy the book and burn it so that others wouldn't have to suffer through its crappiness. But alas, I won't put money into that guy's pocket, even if he is a fellow SAE. Phi Alpha! Faker.
Man, I wish we had Naked News available in the States. It would make my evening news watching so much more interesting.
I've been listening to a lot of Coldplay recently. Don't know why. Don't know how. It's a nice change from the usual Interpol and Modest Mouse diet I've been musically subsisting on for the past year or so. Time for some new flavors. I'm diggin' Parachutes but Rush of Blood to the Head is a good listen too. Politik, Spies, and Don't Panic are currently my favorite songs.
Got XM radio for Christmas and I finally hooked it up this weekend. One word: Fanfukkintastik. It's like having 1000 CDs without all the scratching and jewel-case clutter. Awesome. I recommend you get one too. No stealth marketing intended.
That's all for now.
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hehehe, big brother is watching and I'M READING ALL YOUR POSTS.
I donno man, my father raised me with what I consider a healthy paranoia. Basically, any steps towards tightening the belt on people doing grossly illegal things makes me nervous people are going to notice my mildly illegal activities that much sooner... And I like my illegal activities!
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