Reflections of Nixon/Iran Rattles its Saber, Again
It's like Nixon, but different.
News reports today are awash in the latest political scandal to plague the Bush administration, that Bush approved the release of National Intelligence information to the New York Times. Wow. It just keeps getting better and better. No White House has been more reviled and plagued with controversy since Nixon. It will be interesting to see how history textbooks will describe the Bush legacy. I'm predicting respectful with no/slight hint of criticism. Textbooks are meant to be objective. Keyword="Meant." Historians, on the other hand, will have a field day dissecting and deconstructing the Bush Administration for a long time. Barring the threat of nuclear holocaust, of course.
Saber Rattling from Iran
Is it that Iran is following the North Korea model or does North Korea follow the Iranian model? Either way both nations have long histories of loudly lauding their accomplishments on the world stage in order to frighten other nations into giving concessions. Not much has been heard from North Korea lately. Much has been heard from Iran. This is a common tactic. Next time you're in the supermarket, observe how the children react when mom or dad tells them they can't have anything, breath-holding/throwing objects/pouting/crying/screaming "I hate you" always ensues. Weak parents (those whose self-confidence is determined by their child's opinion of them) will give in. Strong parents will not. Lesson for the United States and its allies: See through the BS, but keep a wary eye out for wayward objects thrown your way.
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